The end of the financial year is nearing…have you captured all your work-related deductible expenses to make the most of your 2022 tax return?
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) automatically receives information from your employers about salary and wages that you have been paid for the financial year. You need to declare all income from other sources on your tax return as well.
Even if you have only earned a small amount from one of these sources, it still needs to be declared on the tax return. Gather all your records for anything you have earned apart from salary and wage payments from employers.
You will need:
Tax Deductions
Employees are entitled to claim work-related expenses as a tax deduction. To claim a tax deduction, you must have spent the money out of your own funds and not have been reimbursed by your employer. The expenses must relate to your earnings as an employee. Make sure you have invoices and receipts as proof of payment for any work-related expenses.
Expenses you may be able to claim
Occupation and Industry Specific Guidelines
The ATO recognises that some occupations and industries have specific requirements that employees need to pay for.
There are handy ATO fact sheets for many industries, including hairdressers, teachers, performing artists, hospitality workers, lawyers, medical professionals and more.
These guides are a great starting point if you are not sure what you can claim, but we can give you information tailored to your situation when you do your tax return.
If you have made personal superannuation contributions separate to your employer’s superannuation guarantee contributions, you may be able to claim this as a tax deduction. You will need to provide a notice of intent to claim form to your super fund and receive acknowledgement from the fund before doing your tax return.
Book a time with us now to prepare for your tax return and we’ll make sure you maximise your allowable tax deductions this year. Contact details below: